Sunday, October 28, 2007

From the new Mommy!

First of all- scroll down for lots of Emma Rose's picts! What a great but emotional day. I did not cry very much- I was too overwhelmed I think. Emma Rose is a trooper. She came off that 3 hour bus ride without a tear in her eye and came right to me. She then proceeded to keep vanous and me entertained for the next 4 hours. She laughs the sweetest cackle and her smile lights up her whole face. She is by FAR the prettiest baby of all of those brought here today. haha. We finally got her to sleep. That was the first time she actually started crying and it broke our hearts. I think she was realizing that we weren't just here to play with her and she wanted to go back to her bed to sleep. But she finally got sooooo tired that she fell asleep after I put her in her crib. We are already nervous about what to do with her tomorrow. We hope she wakes with the same happy attitude but are ready if she does not. Thanks to all of you for your emails and comments. I love reading them and it makes me feel so blessed to have such great family and friends. As you all get up and go to church this morning- we are fixing to try to sleep a little. However, I can already tell that every little sound she makes will wake me up! VAnous is going to tackle the diaper change tomorrow, and we are going to have a first bath in the tub. I then have to go clothes shopping because most everything I brought is toooo big. (I so hate to shop for baby clothes!- oh well, you do what you gotta do!) Good night/ Good day to all! Keep the comments coming!



Natalie said...

Great to hear your first few hours with Emma Rose were good. She WILL wake in the morning with the same attitude and by the next morning will realize that mommy and daddy are here to stay. We absolutely love all the pictures, Ken has even printed two to take to Sunday School. Hope she sleeps well tonight and tomorrow will again be another blessed day for all three of you. I love the picture where she is laughing and those two sweet teeth are showing. Sweet Dreams to all.

The Berry's

Natalie said...

Oh by the way...I haven't seen the others but we too think she is the prettiest baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Sharon Woodward said...

I'm adding my thanks to you for sharing this precious journey. I have smiled, laughed and cried. And I can't wait to hear how Vanous and the diaper changing goes!

Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

We are SOOO happy for you! Seeing you holding her in the pictures is awesome! Can't wait to see her in person! Your family is finally complete! May God Bless

Cassie & Teresa C.